Friday, 23 February 2018

Wall screw-moss, Tortula muralis

On the top of the perimeter wall on the north side of the park. Photographed 23/02/18

Chickweed, Stellaria media

Photographed 23/02/18. Grows wherever the soil is disturbed, especially on mole hills or patches scuffed by sheep

Gorse, Ulex europaeus

Photographed 23/02/18. Most important source of pollen and nectar for newly emerged bees in early spring.

Velvet shank, Flamullina velutipes

On old tree stump near the walled garden. Photographed 23/02/18

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Wall rue, Asplenium ruta-muraria

In crevices in northern perimeter wall of the park. Photographed 20/02/18

Turkey tail, Coriolus versicolor

On tree stump close to pond. Photographed 20/02/18

Tremella aurantia

On dead branch (hazel?) close to pond. Photographed 20/02/18

Unidentifed moss

Photographed 20/02/18 on poplars close to the pond

Snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis

Single- and double-flowered forms. Double forms mostly close to the castle gardens

Garden snail, Helix aspersa

Hibernating in the old wall close to the castle. Photographed 20/02/18

Overleaf Pellia, Pellia epiphylla

 Close to the pond. Photographed 20/02/18

Maidenhair spleenwort Asplenium trichomanes

On old wall near the castle and on the northern perimeter wall of the park. Photographed 20/02/18

Unknown larvae. Sawflies?

Under a piece of wood close to the pond. Sawfly larvae? Photographed 20/02/18

Jelly ear Auricularia auricula-judae

Photographed 20/02/18

Hazel Corylus avellana

Flowering near the pond 20/02/18

Hart's tongue fern Phyllitis scolopendrium

On old wall below castle, near pond. Photographed 20/02/18

Dead wood

Habitat for fungi. This one hosted oyster mushroom and jelly ear fungus on 20/02/18

Badger Meles meles

Badger sett with evidence of recent activity, probably digging for worms, nearby. Photographed 20/02/18

Catherine's moss Atrichum undulatum

Growing close to the pond. Photographed 20/02/18

Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus

Roots growing into the old wall near the castle 20/02/18